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Spinach powder 500g


€18.50 per 1 kg

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

  • 100 % pulverised spinach
  • Great as a natural colouring
  • Delicately dried and ground
  • Perfect for smoothies, pasta, drinks, and rice
  • Discreet taste
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Buy now: Spinach powder 500g

If the term superfood had existed in the past, spinach would probably have been named as the first. Yet this superior green vegetable grows quite un-fancily in local fields - a local superfood! Ever since Popeye, spinach has been associated with huge mountains of muscle by young and old alike. Even if many things were exaggerated back then, our new spinach powder can still score points today with its high protein content.

Inner values - outer charms

Served as a vegetable, spinach has been a source of debate at the dinner table for centuries. While some love it, spinach is definitely not to everyone's taste. Today, spinach is celebrating its comeback, among other things as an ingredient in smoothies and smoothie bowls. Drinking fruit and vegetables is trendy - no wonder: drinking a mix of different superfoods is a great way to supply the body with nutrients. In the age of Instagram, however, inner values are not always enough. Even the healthy smoothie of your favourite bloggers only gets its likes through its bright green colour, which makes us feel more alive just by looking at it. This is exactly where spinach powder comes into play. Even a small amount of ground spinach adds a fresh and appealing colour to soups, sauces or homemade 'green pasta'. At the same time, the spinach powder only reminds you so gently of spinach in taste that even desserts and batter for cakes, biscuits or crêpes can be easily coloured. Chemical food colouring is a thing of the past, let your creativity run wild with natural spinach powder.

Natural spinach power for your cakes

We use 100 % real spinach (Spinacia oleracea) for our spinach powder. This is gently dried and ground. It is then packaged without any additives and is ready to be shipped. Of course, you can also make your own spinach powder. But it is more convenient to order high-quality, ground spinach in our low-price value pack directly to your home. Create colourful dishes and drinks in no time for all the family with our colourful superfood classic. Buy spinach powder now!

Average nutritional values per 100 g
Calorific value (in kj/kcal) 300 /  72
Fat 1.1 g
thereof saturated fatty acids 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 2.2 g
thereof sugar 1.7 g
Dietary fiber 6.9 g
Protein 11 g
Salt 0.31 g
Product number: SPINAT_001
Best before date 30.09.2025
Origin Hungary, Germany
Content 0.5 kg
Manufacturer KoRo
EAN/GTIN 4260654783315
Data sheet Specification
Nutrition traces Nutrition traces
Shipping Delivery time outside of Germany
Company KoRo Handels GmbH
Hauptstraße 26, 10827 Berlin
Storage Advice Store in a cool, dry place away from light.
Ingredients 100 % pulverised spinach
Cross contamination May contain traces of GLUTEN, SOY, NUTS and SESAME.
Trade Name Spinach powder
Label note Ingredients, nutritional values, and packaging may change. For exact information, please check the product description.
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Spinatanbau auf heimischen Feldern
Spinatanbau auf heimischen Feldern

Italien, Frankreich und Deutschland sind in Europa die wichtigsten Erzeugerländer für frischen Spinat. Die Anbauschwerpunkte in Deutschland liegen in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Niedersachsen. Etwa 4000 ha umfasst die gesamte Anbaufläche hier. Damit deckt die deutsche Produktion große Teile des Eigenbedarfs ab. Im April kommt mit dem Frühling erster einheimischer Spinat in den Lebensmittelhandel.

Spinatpflanzen werden bis zu einem Meter groß
Spinatpflanzen werden bis zu einem Meter groß

Beim Spinat handelt es sich um ein einjähriges Krautgewächs. Ganze 50 Sorten der Spinatpflanze gibt es. Sie hat eine rötliche Wurzel und hellgrüne bis gelbliche Stängel. Ihre daran reifenden Blätter haben eine saftig grüne Farbe und sind uns als Blattgemüse bekannt. Spinatpflanzen erreichen eine Wuchshöhe von 50 bis 100 cm.

Spinat mags feucht und nährstoffreich
Spinat mags feucht und nährstoffreich

Am besten gedeiht Spinat in der kalten Jahreszeit. Die Aussaat erfolgt daher Ende des Jahres direkt ins Freiland. Spinat wird in Reihen ausgesät. An seinen Wachstumsstandort hat der Spinat keine besonderen Ansprüche. Der Boden sollte jedoch nährstoffreich und feucht sein, damit die Pflanzen sich richtig entwickeln können.

Spinat kann bis zu vier Mal im Jahr
Spinat kann bis zu vier Mal im Jahr

Rund acht Wochen nach der Aussaat ist es an der Zeit: Der Spinat ist bereit für die Ernte. Die klassische Erntezeit liegt bei diesem Gemüse bereits im Frühling. Die Ernte ist oft noch Handarbeit. Werden die Blätter kurz über der Bodenoberfläche abgeschnitten und das Herz unverletzt gelassen, kann die Pflanze bis zu vier Mal im Jahr beerntet werden.

Spinat ursprünglich aus Asien
Spinat ursprünglich aus Asien

Echter Spinat (Spinacia oleracea) gehört zur Familie der Fuchsschwanzgewächse und kommt ursprünglich aus Südwestasien. Der genaue Ursprungsort ist jedoch unbekannt. Nach Europa kam der Spinat wahrscheinlich im 8. Jahrhundert über Spanien. Der deutsche Mönch und Pflanzenkenner Albertus Magnus erwähnte die Pflanze bereits im 13. Jahrhundert in seinen Schriften. Auch heute noch ist Asien für über 95% der Welternte verantwortlich.

Schonendes Trocknen des Blattspinats
Schonendes Trocknen des Blattspinats

Nach der Ernte des frischen Spinates muss es schnell gehen: Enzyme und Mikroorganismen verändern nämlich Farbe, Geschmack und Struktur des Gemüses. Zusätzlich beschleunigt Wärme des Alterungsprozess. Der frisch geerntete Spinat gelangt daher ohne Umwege direkt vom Feld zur Verarbeitung. Er wird zunächst gründlich gewaschen. Vor dem Trocknungsprozess gilt es noch die Stiele zu entfernt. Dann werden die Spinatblätter mittels Warmluft schonend getrocknet.

Nach Trocknung folgt feines Vermahlen
Nach Trocknung folgt feines Vermahlen

Da dem frischen Spinat jede Menge Wasser entzogen wurde, liegt er nun in hochkonzentrierter Form vor. Um Fremdkörper in der Ware auszuschließen, werden die getrockneten Spinatblätter noch Metalldetektiert und gesiebt. Nach Trocknung und Kontrolle wird der Spinat in einem letzten Schritt gründlich vermahlen. Ohne Zusatzstoffe wandert der gemahlene Spinat in seine luftdichte Verpackung.

Alle Zeichen auf Grün. Das fertige Spinatpulver macht sich auf den Weg zu Dir!
Alle Zeichen auf Grün. Das fertige Spinatpulver macht sich auf den Weg zu Dir!

Fertig etikettiert nimmt das Spinatpulver seinen Platz in unserem Lager ein. Nun wartet es darauf, von Dir bestellt zu werden. Ist es bei Dir Zuhause eingezogen, könnt Ihr gemeinsam farbenfrohe Smoothies zaubern, hausgemachte Pasta aufpeppen oder Euch an grünen Kuchen wagen. Erleb‘ mit unserem Spinatpulver Dein grünes Wunder!

Price development

This is how the price has developed over time

All data without guarantee!

Questions & answers: Spinach powder 500g
No search results.
The taste of spinach powder is only gently reminiscent of fresh spinach leaves. It gives pasta, spaetzle or pizza dough a slight spinach note. However, the spinach powder is so subtle in taste that it can also be used in desserts, cakes or crepes without any problems.
Yes, our spinach powder is a real superfood. We all know that spinach is pretty cool, but our natural spinach powder can actually be officially called a superfood. Especially with its high protein content, the spinach powder can flaunt. Protein contributes to the maintenance of muscle mass and normal bones.
The correct storage of our spinach powder is important for the quality preservation. You should store our spinach powder as dry, cool and protected from light as possible.
The use of spinach powder is very simple and versatile. Due to its subtle taste, spinach powder is a natural alternative to chemical food coloring. Drinks and foods of any kind can be colored with the ground spinach. How about homemade green pasta, spaetzle or green pizza dough? There are also no limits to its use in desserts: cake batter, cookies, crepes or pancakes get a fresh color with spinach powder. Simply add a small amount of spinach powder during preparation and approach the desired color intensity.
Yes, our spinach powder is vegan. It consists of 100% dried spinach leaves and is therefore purely vegetable.
Our spinach powder has 72 calories (kcal) per 100 g.
Spinach is an excellent source of vegetable protein. With 11g of protein per 100g, our spinach powder can support muscle building.
Our spinach powder is 100% natural spinach leaf powder. During processing, we pay attention to high-quality vegetables and gentle drying and grinding. Our spinach powder is vegan. It is almost tasteless and can therefore be used for smoothie and pasta, but also for coloring desserts and cake batter.
The best way to consume the powder is to mix 5 grams of the powder with 250ml of water. You can also use the powder for cooking and baking. Add it gradually so you can select how much colour you want!
When stored correctly - dry, cool and protected from light - the best before date (BBD) of our spinach powder is 24 months.

What others say about Spinach powder 500g


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4-5 star reviews 🙂



I can only recommend, order and delivery, everything perfect

Today came my package with the ordered spinach powder. The packaging, with resealable bag, is already very positive. A smoothie stirred only in water was surprisingly good taste, would have imagined worse, since I'm not exactly a fan of vegetable smoothies. A 2nd attempt for a smoothie with the spinach powder, pineapple, blueberries and vegan milk then convinced me. Totally delicious and not at all "vegetable" in taste. The powder also dissolves super well and quickly. I can only recommend. And the best: priced a lot cheaper than on other platforms on which I had searched. The order and delivery was quite unproblematic and super fast. And there was still a free drink supplied on top of it.

1-3 star reviews 🙃



Finds its way every now and then in

Finds every now and then the way in various dishes, but against fresh spinach it comes unfortunately not on

KoRo Handels GmbH


Hey Nicolai, thank you for your feedback. Since our spinach powder is not intended to be a substitute for spinach, but just offers a different form of presentation, this does not have to compete with fresh spinach. We are glad that you still find a use for it. Kind regards from your KoRo Team :)


Andrea B.


To be used for flavoring

Not easy to use, so far used as a flavoring agent for soups, also in Piadine dough. To be taken conscientiously about use because the product is quite. However to taste is really good

selin o.


amazing for benefits

super afraid for the taste but it doesnt have any taste and its amazing for the macros and benefits as its great to thicken the yogurt bowls definitely will buy it again



Colorful eye-catcher

Very fine powder and gives a nice color in smoothies and pasta dishes



Good quality! Very cheap! Recommended!

Good quality! Very cheap! Recommended!



Versatile and healthy

Convenient in the quick-to-use impalpable powder version, I include them in my vegan fruit-based nutritional smoothies, also in combination with antioxidants such as wheatgrass and spirulina powder or the dried blueberries also purchased here on Koro,a company that is portentous for those who like to eat healthy,vegan, organic and alkaline. I also use this powder for my antioxidant green soup or in vegetable puree.I have yet to experiment with other ways to use it in cooking, I will peep some ideas in the other reviews. Neutral flavor and adaptable to various recipes in my humble opinion



Great product

So handy in the kitchen, in smoothies and for soups super suitable, will order again



One more green for my mix!

I had not seen spinach powder, and when I found it at Koro I decided to buy it. I make my mix with lots of greens (wheat grass, barley grass, oat grass, and whatever I can find). Now I will add the spinach and nettle that I also found here!



I highly recommend spinach powder

Excellent product, I recommend it, I use it in a lot of recipes, including naans with cheese or plain, a real treat 💖



Very pleasant taste

Very pleasant taste



Great for spinach crepes or pancakes!

Great for baking! Have you ever tried spinach crepes. Instead of flour, just use the stuff. Perfect!

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