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Roasted and salted chickpeas 1kg


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  • Great snack and topping
  • No additives, artificial flavours, and preservatives
  • Vegan
  • Spicy and delicious
  • Source of plant-based protein
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Buy now: Roasted and salted chickpeas 1kg

Getting ready for your next Netflix marathon, and looking for a better snack than crisps? Look no further! Exactly for people like you, we have created our last snack: roasted chickpeas, the new alternative to crisps. Tradition rivisited In the past years, chickpeas have been everywhere, and the kitchen of KoRo was no exception. We love chickpeas in every form – curries, falafel, hummus, couscous salads... The vegan and vegetarian cuisines, in particular, have developed a unique relationship with these round and crunchy legumes; and their high protein content has made vegan athletes fall in love with them too. But chickpeas have been the star of Oriental recipes for thousands of years! A traditional snack is roasted chickpeas, called Leblebi. When we found out, we thought, we need them in our shop! So, let us introduce you to our newcomers. All good things come in threes If you are as huge a fan of chickpeas as us, then you should definitely try all the three different taste

Average nutritional values per 100 g
Calorific value (in kj/kcal) 1791 /  428
Fat 16 g
thereof saturated fatty acids 1 g
Carbohydrates 44 g
thereof sugar 3 g
Dietary fiber 16 g
Protein 19 g
Salt 1 g
Product number: KICH_001
Best before date 15.12.2024
Origin United States of America
Origin (Processing) Spain
Content 1 kg
Manufacturer KoRo
EAN/GTIN 4260654782134
Data sheet Specification
Nutrition traces Nutrition traces
Shipping Delivery time outside of Germany
Company KoRo Handels GmbH
Hauptstraße 26, 10827 Berlin
Storage Advice Please store in a cool and dry place, away from light
Ingredients 83% chickpeas, sunflower oil, 1,5% salt
Trade Name Roasted and salted chickpeas
Label note Ingredients, nutritional values, and packaging may change. For exact information, please check the product description.
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Varieties & origins



Relatively round, large, and smooth, Kabuli chickpeas are golden/beige, and are grown mostly in the Mediteranean area, South America, and South East Asia. Most of the chickpeas we consume in Europe are of this variety. They have a gentle and nutty taste.

India is one of the main producers of chickpeas; in 2017, 67% of the world harvest came from India. No wonder, since these protein-rich legumes are a staple in India. Other important growing areas are Australia, Myanmar, Ethiopia, and Turkey. The 10 largest producers bring in 92% of the world crop, and in 2017 more than 14 million tons of chickpeas were produced worldwide.


In subtropischen Gebieten beheimatet
In subtropischen Gebieten beheimatet

Kichererbsen bevorzugen ein warmes Klima und viel Sonnenschein. Da sie außerdem mit wenig Wasser auskommen, werden Kichererbsen hauptsächlich in subtropischen Gebieten angebaut, wo sich der Anbau entsprechend unkompliziert gestaltet. Indien und Australien sind weltweit führend in der Produktion.

Kichererbsen wachsen an krautigen Pflanzen
Kichererbsen wachsen an krautigen Pflanzen

Die Kichererbse ist eine einjährige krautige Pflanze. Je nach Sorte kann sie eine Höhe von 40 Zentimeter bis hin zu einem Meter erreichen. In ihrer Blütezeit bilden sich weiße, lilafarbene oder dunkelrote Blüten an ihren langen Stielen. Pro Pflanze entwickeln sich meist zwei ungleich große Samen. Das sind die uns bekannten Kichererbsen.

Bereits in Steinzeit angebaut
Bereits in Steinzeit angebaut

Rund 10.000 Jahre reicht die Geschichte der Kichererbse zurück. Jahrtausend alte Funde belegen ihren jungsteinzeitlichen Anbau in Teilen der heutigen Türkei, wo sie bereits damals als Nahrungsmittel verwendet wurde. Erst sehr viel später verbreitete sich die Pflanze auch in Europa. Insbesondere in Griechenland und Italien lässt sich ihr Anbau als Nutzpflanze bereits vor vielen tausend Jahren nachweisen.

Es wird heiß und würzig
Es wird heiß und würzig

Die Herstellung gerösteter Kichererbsen ist an die traditionelle Leblebi-Produktion angelehnt. Nach dem Aussortieren, Reinigen und Einweichen werden die Kichererbsen dabei einer mehrstufigen Wärmebehandlung unterzogen. Nach einer Ruhepause beginnt die eigentliche Röstung der dehydrierten Kichererbsen. Je nach gewünschter Geschmacksrichtung werden für den knusprigem Snack unterschiedliche Gewürze verwendet.

Das wars! Die gerösteten Kichererbsen machen sich auf den Weg zu Deinem Fernsehabend!
Das wars! Die gerösteten Kichererbsen machen sich auf den Weg zu Deinem Fernsehabend!

Durch die Röstung haben die Kichererbsen ihr Aroma und eine gelblich-bräunliche Farbe erhalten. Bei unseren gerösteten Kichererbsen verzichten wir bewusst auf Zuckerzusatz und künstliche Farb- oder Konservierungsstoffe. Geröstet und gesalzen landen unsere Kichererbsen in der Vorteilspackung und sind bereit für Deinen crunchigen Filmeabend.

Price development

This is how the price has developed over time

All data without guarantee!

Questions & answers: Roasted and salted chickpeas 1kg
No search results.
Chickpeas are naturally gluten-free. Only salt is added to our chickpeas.
Our roasted and salted chickpeas have 330 calories (kcal) per 100g.
Our roasted chickpeas have an unopened best before date (BBD) of seven months.
Yes, our chickpeas are only roasted and salted, making them vegan.
No. Raw chickpeas, more correctly called chickpea seeds, contain the indigestible toxin phasin, which can cause gastrointestinal problems. However, this is broken down by exposure to heat. Since our roasted chickpeas have been heated during processing, they are not toxic and can be snacked on without hesitation.
Our roasted chickpeas are best stored in a cool, dark and dry place.
Chickpeas are a true source of dietary fiber. The pleasing thing for calorie counters is that dietary fiber is excreted from the body virtually undigested. Dietary fiber is part of a balanced diet.

What others say about Roasted and salted chickpeas 1kg


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4-5 star reviews 🙂



KoRo simply top

Nice and salty but not too salty, great snack

1-3 star reviews 🙃




Unfortunately, horrible: Dust-dry, completely over-salted, practically tasteless, but with a rancid note. Really inedible and actually a cheek.

KoRo Handels GmbH


Hey Katharina, thank you for your feedback. We are very sorry that you have received a defective product. :( Please contact our customer service, so that they can clarify your request. Kind regards, your KoRo Team.


Janine S.


a tasty snack for young and old

Crunchy, salty, own taste, but not bad - maybe a little too hard - but all in all, a great snack



I will not buy more

Unfortunately does not taste like freshly roasted, loses its flavor quickly

KoRo Handels GmbH


Hey, thank you very much for your feedback. We are very sorry that the product did not meet 100% of your expectations. You are sure to find your personal favorite in our store. All the best from the KoRo team :)


Katharina L.


Does not taste good at all

I ordered the chickpeas on the basis of a recommendation. I really thought that the negative reviews weren't true. I had to see for myself. Unfortunately, I have to say that the chickpeas taste very dry and like "cardboard". I just can't get them down. My family thinks they're terrible too..... What a shame.....



Unfortunately a little too salty for me, but the consistency of the chickpeas is really very good!

Unfortunately a little too salty for me, but the consistency of the chickpeas is really very good!



Salty chickpeas

Quite okay for a "healthier" snack substitute

Barbara W.


Unfortunately rancid

Unfortunately they taste rancid. Too bad, I was so looking forward to it.

KoRo Handels GmbH


Hey, thank you very much for your feedback. We are very sorry that you received a faulty product. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find an email from you. In such a case, please always contact our customer service directly via the help section on our website so that they can help you with your request as quickly as possible. All the best from the KoRo team :)


Carola K.


Very tasty and a great snack.

Protein without flour. Tasty, pleasant hardness - you have to chew longer: they fill you up.



Good and healthy

Delicious snack that I always have a jar of in my rucksack in case I get hungry....



Kein guter Snack, zu hart und zu mehlig

Leider die totale Enttäuschung, die Kichererbsen sind einfach nur Steinhart und total mehlig, man bekommt sie oben Wasser kaum runter, ärgere mich richtig sie bestellt zu haben. Leider kann ich keiner Empfehlung geben. Macht man besser in kleinen Portionen zu Hause.

KoRo Handels GmbH


Hey, thank you very much for your feedback. We are very sorry that the product did not meet 100% of your expectations. You are sure to find your personal favorite in our store. All the best from the KoRo team :)


Florian H.


Falsche kcal-Angabe

Die auf der Homepage angezeigte kcal-Angabe, unterscheidet sich von der kcal-Angabe der zugestellten Produkte um ca. 100kcal / 100g.

KoRo Handels GmbH


Hey, thanks for your feedback. The information on the product photos may differ from the actual information, as the photos are not updated every time something changes on the product. However, you can always find the correct and current information on the product website. On the right hand side, below the shopping cart button. All the best from the KoRo team :)

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