🗓 26/06/2018 👤 Kosta

From the discount detergent store to your trusted nut source

Why is our domain actually called korodrogerie.de? What does KoRo mean? Why did our store once have detergents? Our managing director Kosta answers all these questions here:

From the discount detergent store to your trusted nut source

In 2014, I founded KoRo together with my friend Robert (the name KoRo is derived from the first letters of our first names). The starting point for founding the company was a discussion about starting a business without capital, as described in Prof.Dr. Günter Faltin's book "Kopf schlägt Kapital". Faltin's approaches consist of outsourced components (e.g. logistics) and products in bulk, sourced directly from the manufacturer. Which products are actually best suited for sale in bulk packs? The research began at the drugstore around the corner. We were looking for products that were sold in relatively small packages at a relatively high price. From the point of view of the time, it was quite clear: detergents, cleaning agents, hygiene and drugstore products. After a year of research, we found a manufacturer who could supply us with detergents and cleaning agents in bulk packs; hygiene and other drugstore articles were also on the horizon. So KoRo became "KoRo Drogerie" and our domain korodrogerie.de still exists today - only the assortment has changed a lot.

KoRo Logo alt

Design was not always our strength, as the original KoRo logo proves.

The idea to include food in the assortment came from my wife Michelle, who is much involved with vegetarian and vegan nutrition. So from 2014, the new focus was to be on a wide variety of shelf-stable, natural and processed foods. However, the decisive factor was not only the price, but also the quality of the products. Therefore, we decided to start with a small selection of nuts and dried fruits. The basic principles of KoRo are quality, short supply chains, bulk packaging, fair prices and transparency. Quickly, nuts and dates became much more popular than detergents. We decided to expand the food range and phase out our original product line.

KoRo Sortiment neu

Today, KoRo's assortment includes over 1,000 products. Snacks, seeds, drinks, dried fruits, nut mousses, spreads and much more. We are constantly evolving and have even revived the non-food range.

KoRo Sortiment