
In our Knowledge section, we want to pass on our know-how about the products in our shop. So you can be smart-assed to no end the next time you cook or bake together.

🗓 25/07/2024

Lebensmittel haltbar machen

Kimchi, Sauerkraut, Salzgurken – läuft Dir auch schon das Wasser im Mund zusammen? Falls fermentierte und eingelegte Leckerbissen auch Staples in Deiner Küche sind, haben wir Good News! Die KoRo-Küchencrew zeigt Dir, wie Du sie easy selber machen kannst!

👤 Hannah Rieder

🗓 23/07/2024

Get to know your Mangostreifen

Warmes Orange, fruchtiger Geschmack, süßes Aroma und wunderbar saftig – die perfekte Mango. Wir verstehen absolut, weshalb die Früchte so beliebt sind. Nicht umsonst sind die getrockneten Mangos einer unserer Bestseller – und auch wir lieben sie heiß und innig. Doch gerade bei Früchten, die nicht in Europa wachsen und längere Transportwege haben, stellt sich oft die Frage nach Herkunft und Verarbeitung. Wo die Früchte für unsere getrockneten Mangos angebaut werden und wie ihre Produktions- und Lieferketten funktionieren, bis sie bei Dir zu Hause snackbereit sind, erklären wir Dir hier.

👤 Katharina Hertling

🗓 19/07/2024

Weniger Waste in Deiner Küche

POV: Du willst eine möglichst cleane Küche und möglichst wenig wegwerfen. Wir zeigen Dir, wie das mit wenig Aufwand geht und Du alles aus dem, was Du Dir gekauft hast, rausholen kannst!

👤 Hannah Rieder

🗓 16/07/2024

Diese Supplements brauchst Du wirklich

Für die einen sind Supplements pure Geldmacherei – für die anderen scheinen sie der heilige Gral für die ewige Gesundheit zu sein. Doch was ist denn nun richtig? Wir haben die Nährstoffe, bei denen in unseren Breitengraden am häufigsten ein Mangel besteht, für Dich zusammengefasst. Und als Bonus geben wir Dir sogar die Blutwerte an die Hand, die Du beim Arzt oder der Ärztin Deines Vertrauens bestimmen lassen und somit eventuelle Nährstoffmängel aufdecken kannst.

👤 Hannah Rieder

🗓 28/06/2024

Deep dive: KoRo's supply chain

It is very important to us here at KoRo to shorten supply chains where possible and to be transparent about them, in order to enable consumers to make informed decisions. But what exactly we mean by short supply chains sometimes raises questions. This is why we want to explain how we approach the topic of supply chains, what we have already implemented, and where there is still room for improvement. As a comparatively young company on the market, we are still far from perfect and are on a journey towards more direct trade routes and more transparent supply chains. In this article, we would like to give you an insight into the challenges we face on this journey, why transparency in supply chains is important, and how we are approaching this topic.

👤 Florian Schwenkert

🗓 28/06/2024

Ein Blick in die Lieferkette: Wo kommen KoRo Cashews her?

Unser Cashewbruch zählt zu den KoRo-Bestsellern. Ob im Müsli, zum Kochen oder pur als Snack: Die Scheinfrüchte des Cashewsbaums sind echte Küchenallrounder. In diesem Artikel wollen wir Dir mehr über die Herkunft unserer Rohcashews und unsere Zusammenarbeit mit den Produzent:innen in Afrika erzählen.

👤 Natalie Wendt

🗓 18/06/2024

Under the (nutritional) microscope: Fasting

Fasting has been booming in recent years with claims such as cell renewal and rejuvenation, anti-inflammatory effects, increased fat burning and bowel cleansing. Today we explain whether there is any truth to this and why fasting has more than just health benefits.

👤 Pia Bothe

🗓 14/06/2024

KoRo x DFB: Our snacking squad in the spotlight

Here we go! Here we go! The 2024 European Championship in Germany has kicked off and we would like to present you with our hit of the tournament: As the proud snack partner of the men's national soccer team, we have launched a TV commercial for our cooperation with the DFB!

👤 Lukas Reiche

🗓 23/04/2024

How is salt actually produced?

Let's be honest: you probably learned it in elementary school but forgot it again - relatable. But don't worry, the KoRo kitchen crew is on hand to refresh your knowledge of the kitchen ingredient par excellence!

👤 Hannah Rieder

🗓 22/04/2024

Broken goods: What are they actually?

Chocolate, stone and cashew break, but our love of snacks doesn't! Bags full of supposedly defective nuts and chocolate are bestsellers in our house. But why are they cheaper than whole nuts or intact chocolate bars and what is actually behind the term "broken" or "B-goods"?

👤 Lilli Lipka

🗓 05/04/2024

Make your own kombucha: how it works!

Have you ever come across our Scoby while scrolling through the rabbit hole of the KoRo range? More precisely, the organic Kombucha Scoby? It actually sounds quite sweet, but the fact that there is a mushroom behind it is quite surprising.

👤 Hannah Rieder

🗓 04/03/2024

KoRo kitchen creations: How to make kefir yourself

You know kefir from your childhood, but the kefir from the supermarket just isn't the same? Or are you completely new to the kefir game? We'll show you how you can easily make two (or three) types of kefir at home - and it's unlimited!

👤 Hannah Rieder

🗓 29/02/2024

What is actually healthy?

This is where opinions differ. For some it's high protein and low carbohydrates, for others it's no sugar or fat. But which diet is healthy?

👤 Hannah Rieder

🗓 27/02/2024

Truffle Deep Dive

Truffles are mushrooms, fancy mushrooms, usually found on creamy pasta - this is where your knowledge ends? No worries, KoRo got you! Because if there's one thing we know, it's fine food!

👤 Hannah Rieder

🗓 05/02/2024

A little kitchen lore: Soca flakes

"Well, soca's, ahem, something like that! What have they got in the KoRo store again?", you think to yourself as you discover our soca flakes in the range. We'll now explain how, where, why and what soca flakes are!

👤 Hannah Rieder