🗓 06/11/2023 👤 Karin Tröller

The wilderness is calling - packing list for your weekend adventure

The new season of 7 vs. Wild is about to start. As we eagerly await it and prepare snacks for our series evenings, a question arises: Could we do the same?

The wilderness is calling - packing list for your weekend adventure

We are all familiar with this reflection on our own survival skills. In the comforting safety of our office, surrounded by sufficient food and drink, it is not easy to answer this question honestly. However, the series awakens a thirst for adventure that is hard to ignore. But let's be honest, being so completely isolated, with just a few objects, can be off-putting. But no problem, we have a compromise for you: wild camping. In contrast to conventional camping, we limit ourselves to the essentials and still have enough equipment to enjoy a certain level of comfort. One thing is certain: a good dose of adventure is always included.
But let's get to the question of all questions: What should you pack? Which equipment is essential and which items can you safely leave at home? It's time to get your priorities straight. With our packing list tips, you'll be well equipped for your next or first weekend adventure.


Preparing for your weekend camping adventure is exciting, but choosing the right backpack can be a real challenge. After all, your rucksack is not just a means of transporting your belongings, but also a decisive factor for your successful outdoor experience. Therefore, make sure that your backpack has enough capacity for all your equipment and sits comfortably on your back. It should also distribute the weight evenly and be weatherproof.


Weather influences, low temperatures, insects, wild animals and the desire for privacy - all these factors speak in favor of using a tent when camping, especially if you are going wild camping for the first time. A tent offers protection from these challenges and ensures safety and warmth. Which type of tent you use is up to you, as long as you feel comfortable.

Sleeping bag and sleeping mat

Let's be honest, you don't want to miss out on a good night's sleep, which is why a sleeping bag and sleeping mat are a must on our packing list. In a warm tent, snuggled up in a sleeping bag - you're guaranteed to feel cozy. Of course, a suitable sleeping mat, such as a sleeping pad, is also a must and if you want more comfort, you can also add a pillow to your list. We think it's worth it.

Hygiene and care

One thing is clear: hygiene should not be neglected when wild camping. Nevertheless, you should limit yourself to the bare essentials to save space. The basics here are a toothbrush, toothpaste, microfiber towel, possibly a hairbrush, hair tie and solid soap for body and hair. As there are no sanitary facilities, you should also pack a folding spade and toilet paper for when nature calls.


We probably don't need to tell you, but depending on the time of year you start your adventure, your choice of clothing will vary. We recommend: Comfort over style. In addition to the basics, we recommend taking a high-quality, waterproof jacket with you. You should also pack warm clothing in warmer months, as it can also get colder at night. We probably love comfy sneakers as much as you do, but we have experienced for ourselves how important the right footwear is in nature and therefore recommend: hiking boots are the vibe.

Cooking equipment & food

Who would have thought it, but catering is our favorite topic at KoRo. With a few tips and tricks, you can also eat delicious food while wild camping. When it comes to cooking equipment, the less, the better. Think carefully about what you like to eat and what equipment you need for it. Porridge is recommended for breakfast to start the day with energy. For lunch or dinner, pasta with pesto is always an ideal option for a quick meal. To be on the safe side, you should also pack some canned food or soups in case you don't feel like cooking or the weather puts a spanner in the works. As we are snack experts, our favorite snacks are also a must. Energy balls are a good choice because they are easy to take anywhere, don't take up much space in your backpack and are the perfect snack for any time of day. Don't forget to take a selection of nuts, bars and salty snacks with you.

In terms of cooking equipment, you will need a camping stove, a pot, cutlery and a wooden spoon. You will also need tableware that is robust and practical. In addition to cutlery and plates, a stainless steel drinking bottle, a box for storing snacks and a thermal container for keeping food warm are also suitable.

Don't forget

Here you will find all the things that may not immediately come to mind when you are making a packing list: a flashlight will light up even the darkest nights, and you should also pack spare batteries for this. A lighter and a penknife are just as important must-haves as sunscreen, insect repellent, bin bags, cloths and a first aid bag. We also recommend taking a canister of water with you, as even boiled water from nature is not always safe to drink and is not available everywhere. However, as it can otherwise quickly become very heavy, you need to decide for yourself how good you think your survival skills are when it comes to finding water sources or whether you would prefer to carry a little more weight with you into the wilderness.

And because we mean it extra well with you, we have put together a ready-made packing list for you:

  • Backpack
  • tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping mat
  • (pillow)
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • (hair tie)
  • (hairbrush)
  • Microfiber towel
  • solid soap
  • folding spade
  • toilet paper
  • Underwear & socks
  • pants
  • T-shirts
  • Sweaters
  • rain jacket
  • good shoes
  • food and drink
  • camping stove
  • pot
  • cooking spoon
  • crockery
  • cutlery
  • flashlight
  • Spare batteries
  • lighter
  • pocket knife
  • Sunscreen
  • Insect repellent
  • garbage bag
  • Cloth
  • First aid bag
  • Canister of water

Finally, a small note: Wild camping is not permitted in Germany. So if you are planning an exciting weekend adventure, you should consider a country where wild camping is permitted.