
Vegan Poké Bowl with Cauliflower Nuggets Auto translated

Moderate 18 May 2021
Preparation time
20 min
Cooking time
10 min

For new lunch inspiration: a colorful bowl of cauliflower nuggets.

1 fresh red cabbage
1 UNIT Small lettuce and/or pak choi
1 Gelbe Paprika
1 bunch Green asparagus
1 UNIT Salatgurke
0 to taste Spring onions
2 Radish
2 Tomaten
100 g Coconut flour
400 g Cauliflower
2 Eggs
1 Tsp. Gelbe oder rote Currypaste
2 Garlic clove
1 tbsp. Tahin hell
50 g Ground hazelnuts
0 to taste Salt
100 g Vegan curd
1 Tsp. Pepper
1 Files
1 Onion
1 Eggplant
1 Tsp. curry powder
1 tbsp. fresh coriander
  • Step 1/6

    Preheat the oven to 200 °C top/bottom heat. Form the dough into small balls, place on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake for approx. 10 minutes.

  • Step 2/6

    For the bowl: Finely dice the eggplant and salt well. Leave to infuse a little and drain off the excess liquid. Finely dice the onions and heat in a pan with coconut oil.

  • Step 3/6

    Add curry powder and eggplant to the pan, add salt and pepper. Simmer at low temperature. If desired, you can add a small dash of soy sauce....

  • Step 4/6

    Cook the green asparagus in a small saucepan until al dente. Chop the spring onion, bell bell pepper, cucumber, radish and tomatoes.

  • Step 5/6

    Cut pak choi and/or small lettuce and marinate lightly (oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, fresh lime). Then shave red cabbage as needed and also lightly marinate.

  • Step 6/6

    Structure of the bowl: On one side the salad, on the other side the eggplant. In the middle the asparagus, decorate creatively with spring onion and co., as a topping still the cauliflower nuggets. Garnish with lime juice if desired.

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