🗓 13/04/2022 👤 Lynn Zimmermann

KoRo Women's Run 2022 - Nutrition for endurance athletes

Sport shoes on and go! On May 14, 2022, the KoRo Women's Run took place in Berlin. Under the motto "Running against cancer - by strong women, for strong women", thousands of runners came together for the annual charity run. They jogged, ran or walked over a distance of 5 or 10 kilometers. We have summarized here what the right preparation for such a run looks like and whether there are certain nutrients that you should take in during the run.

KoRo Women's Run 2022 - Nutrition for endurance athletes

What does good preparation look like?

The first thought: the right training! That's obvious, of course, which is why this is not about training. But not only training, but also the right nutrition can make endurance exercise easier for you. What does an optimal runner's diet look like?

First of all, the same recommendations apply to runners as to everyone else. It should be balanced and predominantly plant-based! This includes whole grain products, lots of colorful vegetables and fruit, as well as legumes and high-quality oils. On the other hand, highly processed convenience products should not be eaten as often. They usually contain a lot of salt, sugar and fat.

But it's not only important what you eat, but also how much. Athletes consume a lot of energy during training and should therefore eat more. However, you shouldn't eat so generously just before a run. The body would then be busy digesting and have less energy for the muscles. The food coma sends its regards! It's better to eat a proper meal with enough carbohydrates and protein, for example pasta with lentil bolognese, about 2-3 hours before your run. This way you won't be overfed while running, but will still have enough energy for the next few hours. After all, eating too little before a run can also reduce your performance. If you do get a little hungry just before the start, easily digestible carbohydrates such as bananas or dried fruit are a good choice.

Do you need certain nutrients when running?

The priority is to get enough energy and drink enough! Once this is guaranteed, you can start thinking about certain nutrients.

The most important nutrients in a runner's diet are carbohydrates and proteins. Why? Carbohydrates are the body's primary source of energy. They are easy to digest and provide energy almost immediately. This is why around 50-60% of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates. The body needs proteins both for muscle building and for muscle regeneration. You should therefore cover around 15-20% of your daily energy intake with proteins. Fat is rather unfavorable as a short-term source of energy and takes time to digest. You should therefore not eat too much fat just before a run. Nevertheless, around 20-30% of your daily calories should come from healthy fats during the training period. It is also very important to get enough vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetables. Lots of vitamins and minerals - does that mean supplements?

Do you need nutritional supplements as a runner?

Theoretically, it is possible for athletes to obtain all essential nutrients from their diet. However, this becomes increasingly difficult after a certain amount of sport and the resulting increased need for nutrients. Because let's be honest, who cooks fresh and healthy food three times a day when you also work and do sport five times a week? There is often simply not enough time. It may therefore make sense to supplement your balanced diet with supplements. This is not just about the classics magnesium, calcium, sodium and zinc. For menstruating women, it is often also iron that should be taken into account. Iron is responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood and is therefore particularly important for endurance sports. Vitamins such as the B vitamins and a minimum intake of protein are also important for performance and can be supplemented. However, you should always speak to your doctor or a certified nutritionist before taking supplements.

You have been eating and preparing optimally for the last three months. Now the day of the run has arrived. And only one question remains: What if I get thirsty or hungry in between?

Do you need food and drink during the run?

That depends. Food, especially solid food, is only needed for very long distances such as a marathon or ultramarathon (45 km or more). Here again, it is mainly carbohydrates that the body needs. A rule of thumb recommends consuming 30-60 g of carbohydrates per hour. This could be a banana, a bottle of apple juice or a handful of jelly babies. Because the KoRo Women's Run is relatively short at 5 or 10 km, you don't need to worry about food and drink. Drinking enough is more important! Depending on the temperature, you should drink around 150-200 ml of water every 20 minutes. The warmer, the more, of course!